Calc-ii is the ultimate calculation game app. It must be added together from the number matrix numbers to obtain the predetermined values. With this app you can improve your computing skills, develop and improve solution strategies.You can share the same games with others over the internet and compare yourself.The following calculation options can be set* Size of the matrix (from 3x3 to 20x20)* Number range adjustable (from 5-5 to -999999)* Path length: number of numbers to combine: (1-5 numbers, random path length possible)* Arithmetic operations (+, -, x, /; combinations of the operation)* "Dot before stroke" when operations x and / are selected* Number of numbers to find (1 - 25)* Find numbers in a predetermined order* Calculation direction (left to right, additional diagonal, forward and backward)* Specification of the number of incorrect entriesThe goal is to find the given numbers as fast as possible. The times achieved are stored in a TOP 10 list.